Thursday, March 26, 2009

Class tomorrow

Dear members of Project Green Thumb:

I'm cancelling class tomorrow. I'll be in Knoxville all day for the "Writing Green Conference" sponsored by East Tennessee Society of Professional Journalists. I thought the conference was the last week in April, but I thought wrong! I hope to spread the word about what we're up to here at MTSU (with our Green Roof proposal), and I hope to gather some good ideas and news from other eco-writers. We'll meet on Monday. Over the weekend, I'd like for you to fill out the proposal (to the best of your ability). If you get stumped on a particular section, just move on to the next. Also, be sure to let President Obama know how you feel about the EPA's latest decision and encourage him to keep the pressure on. I noticed last night that the Coal Industry is stepping up their "Clean Coal" campaign with new TV ads. I can only imagine that this is in direct response to the EPA's decision to halt MTR and MTR permitting. If coal companies can attract enough popular support, they'll have more political clout. Keep your eyes open for their ads; you all are fast becoming experts on the coal industry. Let's give these advertisements a close reading and discuss next week. Take care.


  1. Whew I just read this and I actually thought I was in trouble for missing class today......I got a phone call yesterday evening that my dad had blacked out and fallen off the side of his bed and had a 3 inch gash in his forehead and ended up losing about a pint of blood....they kinda thought it was the end for him there for a while so my husband, son, and I rushed down to see him. We're still here and he's doing better now....just glad that I'm not in trouble for missing class....see you Monday

  2. Hey Mr.Houp! I have to go out of town for an emergency, just found out so I will not be able to attend class today. I will be there Mon with a good draft to go over! Have a great day!
